The ivyO Strategic Consultation

will give you a competitive edge in your college admissions

What is it?

The ivyO Strategic Consultation is designed for college-bound students. Your ivyO Consultant will advise you with regard to your current standing — academics, extracurricular activities, and much more — as well as your strengths and weaknesses. You'll also be provided with personalized strategies, which will empower you to stand out from the crowded college admissions applicant pool.

All ivyO strategies and recommendations are individually customized for Grade 7-12 students who aspire to gain admissions to selective universities in the US or the UK.

International families also sign up for the ivyO Strategic Consultation to help their students with regard to planning their educational pathways to Australia, which may include placements at highly sought after high schools as well as universities.

If that sounds like your student, read on…

What would the ivyO Strategic Consultation do for my student?
When it comes to colleges admissions, it is widely recognized that getting admitted to an elite institution in the US or the UK, like an Ivy League school or the likes of Oxford and Cambridge, is incredibly challenging.

So, let's tackle the biggest challenge in that space! What you're about to read is in the context of students aspiring to attend top schools like Wharton, Harvard or Princeton.

The first thing you need to know about getting a seat at a prestigious college or university like an Ivy League school, or Oxford and Cambridge, is that your student must achieve a single objective:

To stand out and shine in the extremely crowded and competitive college admissions applicant pool.

That's it. The rest is conversation. And the ivyO Strategic Consultation will help your student do just that.

Subject to your student’s profile, capabilities and preferences, their “fit” with postsecondary institutions may include highly selective universities.

Let's have a look at the US. Examples of such elite US universities and colleges are as follows:
As students conduct research with regard to their college list, ivyO encourages them to prioritize “fit” over “brand.”

Clearly, it’s imperative that your student attends the best-fit institution with regard to your student’s academic, social, financial and personal needs, where your student will prosper as a life learner, grow as a member of the campus community, and be happy and healthy as an individual.

How does the ivyO Strategic Consultation differ from services offered by other high-profile US university admissions consulting companies?

Here at ivyO, we focus on helping our students achieve their college admissions goals and don't concern ourselves with what other companies do. That's why we created the ivyO Strategic Consultation which stands alone in the marketplace. The face-to-face college admissions counseling is great and serves as a personalized guide to the entire college admissions process. It is sensational value for money.

By leveraging technology, the ivyO team of college admissions counselors has leapfrogged the status quo with the innovative offering of the ivyO Strategic Consultation which epitomizes effectiveness, affordability and efficiency.

Case in point, under the conventional model, it takes countless meetings and expensive hours for a college consultant, sitting behind a desk, to gather information about a client, often asking the same questions over and over again. Then the consultant incurs even more time laboriously collating, recording and digesting the information. Obviously, such practices are loaded with inefficiencies, but the consultant won’t complain — it’s all chargeable hours — that means more dollars in their pockets. On the flip side, for the families, it’s like throwing money into a big, black hole! But for an astute reader like you, no longer would you have to put up with that…

ivyO is here to offer students and their families a better alternative — the ivyO Strategic Consultation.

By leveraging technology, all the data collection, data processing, and data management with regard to client information as depicted above are predominantly automated at ivyO. This, in turn, saves the ivyO team a great deal of time, and we pass all the savings straight onto our clients. That means as an ivyO client, you’ll save a lot of money. In a nutshell, that’s one of ivyO’s many competitive edges over the status quo.

The way we achieve this positive outcome is through ivyO’s proprietary, secured, online Student/Parent Profile. That makes the face-to-face consultation much more productive and efficient as families meet with their ivyO specialist in the Strategic Consultation, bringing together all the strategic insight and data needed to help your student shine in their college applications.

What do we get when we sign up for the ivyO ivyO Strategic Consultation, and how much does it cost?
In signing up for the ivyO Strategic Consultation, you’ll receive all of the following:
  • To get to know you and your student, the first thing you’ll receive is exclusive access to our proprietary Student/Parent Profile for your student and a parent. The process is highly efficient and straightforward.
  • After you and your student complete and submit your respective Profiles, ivyO’s team of dedicated counselors would review, consider and discuss all the information provided. And your ivyO consultant may ask for additional information. Then the ivyO team of college admissions experts would start to craft the personalized college admissions strategy, which is tailor-made just for your student.
  • Soon thereafter, we would contact you by email to schedule your ivyO Strategic Consultation, a 75-minute private Zoom meeting. Your ivyO Counselor will take you through your student's personalized college admissions strategy, clarify any queries you may have, and explain to you, face-to-face, critically important aspects and nuances of the US and UK admissions process and the hidden pitfalls. But fear not, your student will learn how to navigate the journey with ease and confidence, just like a skilled mountaineer. Your ivyO Counselor will set out your student's all-important X-Factor and provide guidance as to how your student should be strategically positioned in order to shine in the applicant pool.

How would the ivyO Strategic Consultation help to optimize my student's chances of being admitted to selective US/UK universities and college?
In the context of elite US/UK university admissions, the name of the game is that your student must stand out from the extremely packed applicant pool. Period.

And that’s precisely what the ivyO Strategic Consultation will do for your student — to stand head and shoulders above the rest. If you want to optimize your student’s prospect of getting into a highly selective college, do that.

Who should sign up for the ivyO Strategic Consultation?
Students in Grades 7–12 who aspire to attend a selective university.

What if my student's profile is not suited to studying in the USA, and if ivyO also makes the same observation, would ivyO tell us that during the Strategic Consultation?
Certainly. Note that the ivyO Strategic Consultation is not designed to just funnel students to universities offshore. For a variety of reasons, if in the opinion of ivyO, higher education in the US or UK may not represent a good fit for your student’s needs, your ivyO consultant would share such observations with you and appropriate recommendations would be made.

For instance, if our evaluation of all data available leads us to form a view that relative to a student’s educational options in his/her home country, the US may not be a good fit for that student, ivyO would say so during your consultation.
At ivyO, we’ll always call it as it is. Without fear or favor, we’ll tell you what you need to know, even if it’s not what you want to hear.

Is it too late for Grade/Year 12 students to sign up for the ivyO Strategic Consultation?
No. Although Grade/Year 12 students should be well into their college planning process, the ivyO Strategic Consultation will still provide them with invaluable guidance and insight on how to:
  • Manage the final leg of their college admissions journey
  • Minimize any errors in the process, and
  • Maximize their chances of gaining admission to their best-fit US/UK university
However, as we cannot change history, there could be mistakes already made much earlier in those students’ college applications process that cannot be rectified. That said, the ivyO Strategic Consultation would ensure that the balance of the college admissions process be as smooth and error-free as possible.

Is it too early for parents to have their students in Grade/Year 7 or 8 signed up for the ivyO Strategic Consultation?
No, and the reason is quite simple. In US/UK college admissions, students are assessed as from Grade 9 to Grade 12 inclusive. And students are assessed on everything for the four years in high school. In other words, starting Grade 9, everything counts: academic performance, curriculum rigor, extracurricular activities, and much more. Absolutely everything counts.

It is a world of difference between the US system and virtually all other university admission systems around the world.
So, if you want your student to hit the ground running in Grade 9, start early! It’s one of the most effective ways to “game” the US university admissions process. And it’s entirely ethical.

That’s why we say that it is not too early for students in Grade 7 or 8 to sign up for the ivyO Strategic Consultation.

Closing Words
In short, if your student is not planning to apply to selective universities, the ivyO Strategic Consultation is not for you. You don't need it.

But if your student aspires to go to an elite college like an Ivy League school, or a top institution in the UK, you should seriously consider signing up for the ivyO Strategic Consultation provided that they are at least in Grade 7. If they’re still in primary school, pop back when they get to Grade 7.

For college-bound students, the ivyO Strategic Consultation empowers students to stand out from the crowd. The ivyO Strategic Consultation gets the job done effectively, efficiently and ethically.

So, when you're ready, let the ivyO Strategic Consultation help your student stand out and shine in their college admissions journey!
NACAC - National Association for College Admission Counseling NACAC - National Association for College Admission Counseling

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