ivyO BaseCamp

its all about Strategy Implementation

and Strategy Execution

ivyO BaseCamp is where Strategy Implementation and Strategy Execution take place. At BaseCamp, your dedicated BaseCamp specialist will work with you and help you put all the customized strategies in your personalized ivyO Strategic Consultation into action, enabling you to maximize your admissions possibilities at a top US institution like an Ivy League school, or an incredible UK university amongst the Russell Group.

ivyO Strategy Implementation vs. Strategy Execution

Strategy Implementation is about putting your freshly minted strategic plan into action.

Strategy Execution is about the ongoing pursuit of the Implemented Strategy, making it work and turning it into success.

It's important to note that strategy is not fixed; rather, it is fluid. Case in point, a students circumstances may change over time. That's why we recommend that students return periodically to BaseCamp to have their performance measured, analyzed, and if necessary, rebalanced to ensure that they stay on track with their college admissions goals.

The initial BaseCamp is predominantly about Strategy Implementation; subsequent BaseCamp consultations will focus more on Strategy Execution.

Youve done the ivyO Strategic Consultation, next step?

Inspired by your personalized UCAC, you can constructively take stock of your position with regard to your college applications process to help put you ahead of the highly competitive applicant pool who fight for positions at the top institution, like those in Ivy League universities, every year.

However, you now have a nice decision to make:

Option 1 - like some students, guided by the ivyO Strategic Consultation, you can begin to purposefully work towards your best-fit college. But you must continue the process of implementing and executing your strategic action plan.

Option 2 - like most other students who have completed their ivyO Strategic Consultation, they choose to book one or more consultations at ivyO BaseCamp to ensure that they get maximum benefits by having their Strategic Plan properly implemented and executed.

Its time to Implement and Execute

At ivyO BaseCamp, your BaseCamp specialist will work with you, one-on-one, and help you implement and execute your bespoke strategic action plan.

Seasoned mountaineers will tell you that before you embark on the challenging trek up towards the mountaintop, you need to establish a solid base camp. The same is true of college applications.

At ivyO BaseCamp, youll establish a strong foundation for the rest of your journey up the mountainside. You'll solidify the understanding of your profile as a college applicant, your strengths and weaknesses, all while uncovering important details of your Strategic Action Plan that you may otherwise have missed. Note that each ivyO BaseCamp consultation runs for 2 hours.

See You at BaseCamp

Let ivyO help you build your very own BaseCamp and fortify the start of your college admissions journey.

Set up your account today to get started. We look forward to seeing you at ivyO BaseCamp.

NACAC - National Association for College Admission Counseling NACAC - National Association for College Admission Counseling

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