ivyO Compass

an optional Language-Support Service for some parents

  • ivyO Compass is not for everybody; it is an optional language-support service designed to help parents breeze through their student's university application process. It works particularly well for some international parents whose English skills are not strong. The ivyO Compass is conducted in Putonghua or Cantonese.

Breeze through your student's college application journey with ivyO Compass

  • ivyO Compass is the ideal solution for parents who want language support, so that they can easily understand and stay in touch with their student's admissions journey towards the Ivy League, Russell Group universities, or other top US/UK institutions of higher learning.

With ivyO Compass, one of our Compass consultants will provide personalized guidance on Zoom or by phone, as per your preference, and resolve any queries you may have regarding your student's application process. Note that each ivyO Compass consultation is for an hour,

ivyO Compass awaits
If it meets your needs, ivyO Compass is the ideal language-support service that would be of great assistance to some international parents as their students power through the Ivy League application, or UK university admissions process.

Simply login to your ivyO account and Message Us to get started.

NACAC - National Association for College Admission Counseling NACAC - National Association for College Admission Counseling

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