So, if you're serious about wanting to ascend to your college admissions mountaintop, let ivyO show you the way.
Indeed, your journey towards the university of your dreams is off to a flying start when you sign up for the ivyO Strategic Consultation, which is our flagship service offering. Through the ivyO Strategic Consultation, you will be given all the tools you need to excel in your college applications.
Here is an outline of how ivyO will help optimize your prospects of getting into your dream school:
First, ivyO Strategic Consultation kicks off with our proprietary information-gathering instrument online, which is the Student/Parent Profile. Through these Profiles, we'll get to know you very well and gain insight into your academic profile, extracurricular activities, passions and core interests, personality, aspirations, potential college majors, admissions goals, and career interests. So, when you're ready, go ahead and complete your respective Profiles; there's one for the student, and another for the parent.
Secondly, once you submit the profiles, we will thoroughly review your responses and schedule your Strategic Consultation 1 (SC1). At the SC1, an ivyO university admissions expert will meet with you, face-to-face, on Zoom for an hour and 15 minutes. During SC1, feel free to ask all your questions about the application process. In addition to the Student/Parent Profiles, the SC1 will give us further insights about your priorities and needs.
Thirdly, based on your profile, a team of ivyO research specialists will collaborate with your consultant and conduct tailored research aligned with your needs, passions and goals. We'll then present our SC1 notes, and the research undertaken for you to a committee of ivyO consultants for their deliberation, evaluation and strategy formation.
Drawing upon their collective expertise and experience, the committee will judiciously devise a personalized Strategic Action Plan. loaded with tailored recommendations. All these tools are designed to showcase your X-Factor and help you stand out from other applicants.
Fourthly, once the committee has finalized your bespoke Strategic Action Plan, we'll organize your Strategic Consultation (SC2), which is another Zoom meeting for an hour and 15 minutes.
At SC2, we'll tell you everything you need to know in order to succeed in your university admissions journey. Period.
Through the ivyO SC2, we’ll cut through the maze and the mess, and demystify for you the college admissions process to minimize the stress, anxiety, and tension for you and your family. It'll make life a lot easier for everyone.